Weather in Uusikaupunki

suomeksi Provided by Wakkanet Oy
Weather data is collected in Uusikaupunki with a Huger WM-918 weather station.
The data is analyzed on a hourly basis to a local web page. This page is a replicate of the original transferred every 60 minutes.

Weather summary

3/14 18:54:08

Temperature:-2.1 °C
Rel.Humidity:12 %
Wind:310NW @ 0.0 m/s
Barometer:Rising at 1006 mb

About the station

Newest wx200 raw data
Temperature graph of the day
Other weather graphics
Equipment (in finnish only)
Weather links
Location & forecast

Weather history (collected data):


January February March April May June July August September October November

Weather sw by wx200d, and Wakkanet Oy v. 2.01
lookups. Last update
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