Latitudi: | 60° 32.88' N |
Longitudi: | 021° 40.08' E |
Korkeus merenpinnasta: | 9 m |
This station uses a WH1080, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.
Weewx uptime: 9 pv, 1 h, 44 min
Server uptime: 289 pv, 4 h, 3 min
weewx v4.9.1
Start civil twilight: | 08:39 |
Aurinko nousee: | 09:39 |
Transit: | 12:31 |
Aurinko laskee:: | 15:23 |
End civil twilight: | 16:23 |
Azimuth: | 205.6° |
Altitude: | 3.2° |
Right ascension: | 270.1° |
Declination: | -23.4° |
Equinox: | 20/03/25 11:01:12 |
Solstice: | 21/06/25 05:42:16 |
nousuaika: | 23:13 |
Transit: | 05:22 |
laskuaika: | 12:30 |
Azimuth: | 310.8° |
Altitude: | -13.1° |
Right ascension: | 166.2° |
Declination: | 6.6° |
New moon: | 31/12/24 00:26:42 |
Full moon: | 14/01/25 00:26:48 |
Phase: | V.puolikas (63% full) |